Doom Emacs




Here is my Doom Emacs Configuration.

I’ve enhanced the key bindings of

  • Org: More Spacemacs-esque keybinding
  • LaTeX
  • Lean 4: Volatile since Lean 4 is still WIP
  • Magit: Commit/cancel bindings for transit commit mode
  • ein: Adapted from keybinding for Spacemacs


Here is an example of notes in this environment


Overall I found the experience to be smooth and the editor to be quite customisable. Emacs can also be run in server mode which drastically cuts down startup time.

I made the switch first from Vim to Spacemacs due to the more IDE-like functionality offered by Emacs. Then I switched to Doomemacs since Spacemacs had weird flickers and the regex system is slow.

Some alternatives exist and these are reasons why I did not switch:

  • Atom: I contemplated about switching to Atom for a while but I then found out it’s dead: Emacs has outlived another modern editor There is still an Atom community fork.
  • VSCode: I heavily dislike Microsoft and its community fracture efforts. Overall the transition from delivering fully fledged applications to “subscription services” (e.g. Adobe CC) has been an alarming trend for me.
  • Vim: I switched from Vim since Vim does not have many of the features I need in an IDE. However I still use Vim to edit small configuration files on servers.
  • IntelliJ series: I found the configuration to be very cumbersome for these applications.

Created and Designed by Leni Aniva based on Tokiwa